Imagery & Data

Mapping Invasive Plants in a Coastal Forest

June 26th, 2024 1:00-2:00PM Presented by: Shelby Larubina and Jason Krumholz, CT NERR; Cary Chadwick, UConn CLEAR The newly designated Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve encompasses ~52,000 acres of upland, marsh, sandy beach, rocky shoreline and open water habitats in Southeastern CT. One of our first efforts in habitat mapping aimed to quantify the spatial […]

CT’s New Geodata Portal Webinar

September 13th, 2023 12:00 – 12:30 Presented by: Emily Wilson & Alfredo Herrera  Join Connecticut’s first Geographic Information Officer, Alfredo Herrera, to learn about the mission, goals, and activities of the new CT GIS Office and the new CT Geodata Portal. The CT Geodata Portal is a catalog of geospatial data and apps developed by […]

The View from Above, Updated: How to Access and Use New Aerial Imagery

May 13, 2020 Presented By Emily Wilson, UConn Department of Extension, CLEAR New high resolution imagery is here! Connecticut’s 2019 aerial imagery is now part of the CT ECO website in the form of viewers, download, and services. The 4 band, 6 inch pixel imagery is the 20th imagery dataset of Connecticut on CT ECO. […]

Statewide Lidar Elevation Points in Interactive, Color 3D!!

April 8, 2020 Presented By Emily Wilson, CLEAR Geospatial Extension Educator Lidar is a remote sensing technique to map elevation using a laser sensor on an airplane. The result is millions of points (or more) which are often used as input to other datasets such as digital elevation models (DEMs) which show the surface of […]

From Maps to Apps: Accessible Tech for field scientists and citizen scientists alike

April 6, 2020 Presented By Cary Chadwick, CLEAR Geospatial Extension Educator Advancements in data collection technology has made it easy to leverage sensors in smartphones and tablets including cameras, GPS, accelerometers, gyroscopes and more. This opens doors for casual mappers and citizen scientists to collect useful data with just the tool in their pocket. This […]

NEW CT 3D Lidar Viewer on CT ECO

The new Connecticut 3D Lidar Viewer marks the first time that 3D elevation points from remotely-sensed Lidar are available in an interactive format over the web.  Lidar is a remote sensing technique to map elevation using a laser sensor on an airplane. The result is millions and millions of points that each have a measured […]

30 Years of Connecticut’s Changing Landscape

December 12th, 2019 Presented By Chet Arnold, CLEAR Director and Emily Wilson, CLEAR Geospatial Extension Educator. The Connecticut’s Changing Landscape project now encompasses 7 dates covering the 30-year period from 1985 to 2015. What’s been happening to our state’s landscape over that period? This webinar will cover the basics of the “CCL” project and discuss […]

How will CT’s Coastal Roads and Marshes Respond to Sea Level Rise?

October 16, 2019 Presented By Emily Wilson, UConn CLEAR and David Kozak, CT DEEP Sea Level Affecting Marsh Migration (SLAMM) is a mathematical model developed by NOAA that uses digital elevation data and other information to simulate potential impacts of long-term sea level rise on wetlands and shorelines. CT DEEP recently completed a project to […]

New Training! Intro to ArcGIS Online & Storymaps

The CLEAR Geospatial Training Program (GTP) has just launched a brand new workshop! It is called Introduction to ArcGIS Online and Esri Story Maps and includes presentations, demos, hands-on exploration and hands-on exercises. The morning of the day-long workshop covers ArcGIS Online and the web map in particular. Topics include: Introduction to GIS and ArcGIS […]

Projections Matter, Especially on Election Night

The first thing I teach someone about maps is that they are more than just lines and direction on a page, screen, or device. Maps convey information. Maps tell a story. But maps can also be deceiving. Consider for a minute, election maps. If you’re reading this blog post then you survived, if just barely, […]

Landsat & Sentinel-2: Satellite Based Sensors for CT’s Landscape

April 24, 2018 Presented By James Hurd Research Associate, UConn, Dept. of NRE, Program Coordinator ConnecticutView and Chandi Witharana, Visiting Research Professor, UConn, Dept. of NRE, Director ConnecticutView There is no shortage of available imagery to view the landscape of Connecticut, or any place in the world for that matter. Imagery comes in all types […]

NEW Connecticut Statewide Impervious Surface Map Layers

With funding from CT DEEP, CLEAR has acquired and made available on CT ECO a new statewide, high-resolution, impervious cover data layer. While acquired to support new stormwater regulations, the layer can be used for other purposes as well. What is it? Statewide, 1 foot resolution raster (pixel) data where each pixel is one of […]

Invest in map layers, make them accessible and work together – a cost saving combination

Mapping layers acquired by CLEAR through the MS4 project + making them available on the CT ECO website = big benefits for users including a surprise savings of at least a half million dollars for the state.  Whoa. Read the full story written by Tyler Kleykamp, Chief Data Officer at the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management where he explains the series […]

Ocean Data for Connecticut

I recently learned about two impressive resources for ocean-based geographic information. One is the Northeast Ocean Data Portal and the other is the New York Geographic Information Gateway. Both are well-developed websites that include a comprehensive data viewer, ancillary information and stories about how ocean information has been used with multiple benefits. The Northeast Ocean […]

Meet the New CT ECO – Home to CT’s Natural Resource Maps

June 1, 2017 Presented By Emily Wilson, Geospatial Educator, UConn CLEAR Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online or CT ECO is the state’s home to natural resource based geospatial data. The website has been revamped with a new look and new viewers to make the data easier to find and use for everyone from the casual user […]

Light Nights

Is light pollution high on your list of concerns? With so many disturbing developments happening globally, light pollution probably doesn’t hold a candle to your worries about accelerating climate change, failing governments, or spreading superbugs. Nevertheless, we are learning more about the impacts of light pollution and there are people in many fields including ecology, […]

All New CT ECO Website (that’s the one with maps)

The Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online (CT ECO) website has become a central place to view and access Connecticut’s environmental mapping information along with aerial imagery and elevation.  My head has been buried in the sand for the past few months (sorry if I didn’t reply to your email), but I’ve been working on the HUUGGE […]

MAGIC’s Historical Map Database

The Map and Geographic Information Center (MAGIC) located at the University of Connecticut’s Homer D. Babbidge Library in Storrs, CT offers a vast array of historical maps from around the world, but with a large focus on the Connecticut region of North America on their website As you delve into this historical map database […]

Mapping Great Gull Island with an Unmanned Aircraft

Assistant Extension Educator Joel Stocker spends a lot of his work and personal time documenting changes to the shoreline. In 2010 he contacted Helen Hays, asking if he could capture photographs over Great Gull Island with his homemade drone. She agreed. While on the island, Helen told him about the problem with invasive plants, and […]