
New Training! Intro to ArcGIS Online & Storymaps

The CLEAR Geospatial Training Program (GTP) has just launched a brand new workshop! It is called Introduction to ArcGIS Online and Esri Story Maps and includes presentations, demos, hands-on exploration and hands-on exercises. The morning of the day-long workshop covers ArcGIS Online and the web map in particular. Topics include: Introduction to GIS and ArcGIS […]

CT GIS Day is November 14 in Hartford

Next week is Geography Awareness Week and the CT GIS Network is celebrating by hosting the annual CT GIS Day on Wednesday, November 14 at the Hartford Public Library. This event is free and open to the public and will include a full day of activities including presentations from mapping professionals from across CT and […]

One CAP Cohort Finishes and Another CAP Cohort Joins the Fold

I continue to be impressed by our Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA) Conservation Ambassador Program (CAP) students. We said goodbye to our 2017-2018 CAP cohort at the 12th Annual Connecticut Conference on Natural Resources, where they graduated as our newest Connecticut Conservation Ambassadors. The students presented their work during a poster session, and described the […]

UConn’s Natural Resources Conservation Academy Adds Two New Education Programs in 2017

Founded in 2011, the Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA) is designed to provide high school students with a structured informal learning experience focused on the environment, natural resources and geospatial technologies. In case you haven’t heard about it yet, let me get you caught up. The NRCA is all about making connections. Connecting young adults […]

Geocaching: A High Tech Game of Hide and Seek

CLEAR’s Geospatial Training Program recently held a workshop for the Connecticut State Museum of Natural History on the art (and fun) of geocaching. Have you heard of geocaching? No? Then you fall solidly into the “muggle” category – aka a human who is not in the know about the greatest real-world treasure hunt that’s happening […]

Hurricane Season is Almost Here

The official start of hurricane season is just a few weeks away. In March, The Weather Channel predicted a below-average hurricane season for the Atlantic, including 11 named storms, including five hurricanes, two of which are predicted to be Category 3 or stronger. It is important to note, however that there is no correlation between […]

A Climate Adaptation Academy for Connecticut

Modeled after CLEAR’s highly successful Land Use Academy, we are embarking on a new forum for land use officials and other interested professionals, a Climate Adaptation Academy (CAA). The CAA, sponsored by Connecticut Sea Grant and CLEAR, with funding from NOAA/National Sea Grant is envisioned to be an exchange of information, issues, experiences and solutions. […]

Teens Master the Art (and fun!) of Mapping at UConn’s NRC Academy

The Natural Resource Conservation Academy (NRCA) is an innovative program in conservation and land use planning for a select group of Connecticut high school students. The Academy starts with a week-long field course at the University of Connecticut in Storrs. Throughout the week, students interact with UConn faculty and learn about mapping and geospatial information, […]

What the Heck is the Land Use Academy?

As a local land use commissioner you are faced with making decisions about how your community will grow, reviewing and approving applications for a variety of projects and balancing growth with natural resource protection. Sometimes court decisions change the rules, you receive conflicting advice, the information you have to work with is incomplete or you […]

New Rain Garden "How To" Website for Homeowners

CLEAR’s NEMO program recently partnered with the Connecticut Fund for the Environment‘s Save the Sound program to create a rain garden “how to” website, focused on helping Connecticut and New England homeowners build their own rain garden. The Rain Gardens website is meant to be a companion site to both the CT NEMO website and Save […]

Demonstration of

July 18, 2012 Presented by Emily Wilson, UConn CLEAR Interactive web maps are powerful tools for organizing and disseminating information for public consumption. For years, Google has led this revolution in online mapping by making it easy for practically anyone to create a custom web map of their own using Google Maps and Google Earth. […] A User-Friendly Tool for Creating Maps Online

May 8, 2012 Presented by Cary Chadwick and Emily Wilson, UConn CLEAR Interactive web maps are powerful tools for organizing and disseminating information for public consumption. For years, Google has led this revolution in online mapping by making it easy for practically anyone (even you) to create a custom web map of their own using […]

Land Use Academy Spring 2012 Schedule

The Land Use Academy has two new training classes scheduled for land use officials. The Advanced Training Academy held on November 5 was a huge success. As a result, another Advanced Training Academy is scheduled for March 31, 2012. The Academy will be held on the University of Connecticut Stamford Campus. The Advanced Land Use […]

Residential Rain Garden Training

Rain gardens are shallow depressions in the landscape that typically include plants and a mulch layer or ground cover. In addition to providing increased groundwater recharge, they are expected to provide pollutant treatment. Pollutant treatment in rain gardens has been attributed to adsorption, decomposition, ion exchange and volatilization. The CT NEMO Program is teaching a 1.5 […]

An Introduction to "Buildout" Analyses Webinar

IT’S FREE Presented by: Land Use Academy Date: February 28, 2012 Time: 2:00 – 3:00 PM Instructors:  Emily Wilson, Chet Arnold, Bruce Hyde Abstract: A “buildout” analysis is a planning tool that can provide insight into the possible future impacts of a town’s current land use regulations. But what does a buildout really tell you? In the first half […]

Land Use Academy’s Advanced Training

The first Advanced Training Academy held on November 5 was a huge success. Attendance was at capacity, attracting 85 land use commissioners and professional planners from 36 towns for the day long training. As a result, we have added another Advanced Training Academy for March 31, 2012. The Advanced Land Use Academy training is a departure […]

CT Environmental Conditions Online (ECO) Training

March 2, 2010 Presented by Cary Chadwick and Chet Arnold, UConn CLEAR On March 2, A CT ECO Training Webinar demonstrated the range of data, tools and techniques for viewing Connecticut’s natural resource data in the CT ECO (Environmental Conditions Online) website. Highlighted features included CT ECO’s Data and Resource Guides, Map Catalog, Simple Map […]

Putting Maps & Geographic Data on the Web

January 20, 2010 Presented by Presented by Cary Chadwick, UConn CLEAR This webinar demonstrated how anyone can use Google tools to publish basic geographic information on a customized map using Google Maps and Google Earth. It also covered techniques for embedding an interactive map on a website. This webinar is no longer available for viewing.