Low Impact Development Tour with NVCOG

Last week, UConn CLEAR and the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments did a tour of UConn’s low impact development to learn more about stormwater pollution, green stormwater infrastructure implementation and maintenance, and overall best practices for targeting water quality and flooding within municipalities. You can read more about it all here: 

CT Stormwater Quality Manual Webinar 2: The LID Process Recording

January 22nd, 2023 1:00 – 2:00PM Presented by: Mary Looney & Dave Dickson, UConn CLEAR This is the second webinar of the Stormwater Quality Manual Webinar Series on the newly released Connecticut Manual. CT NEMO has teamed up with CT DEEP to help provide more information and insight into the revised Manual and what it […]

Low Impact Development in CT: Policies, Drivers, and Barriers

April 5, 2016 Presented By David Dickson & Chet Arnold, UConn CLEAR The concept of low impact development (LID) has been around for quite some time now. So….is Connecticut buying it? If so, how much? If not, why not? New research by CLEAR’s NEMO Program provides some answers to these questions. This webinar will review […]

NEMO Monitoring Project Looks at Nitrogen Processing by Bioretention

Last week CLEAR’s NEMO Program broke ground on a new monitoring project focused on the Low Impact Development (LID) practice of bioretention.  Bioretention is the practice of reducing the quantity, and increasing the quality, of runoff by directing it to a depression filled with plants.  This is the same concept as the more widely recognized rain garden, […]

Residential Rain Garden Training

Rain gardens are shallow depressions in the landscape that typically include plants and a mulch layer or ground cover. In addition to providing increased groundwater recharge, they are expected to provide pollutant treatment. Pollutant treatment in rain gardens has been attributed to adsorption, decomposition, ion exchange and volatilization. The CT NEMO Program is teaching a 1.5 […]