green infrastructure

Green Infrastructure on the UConn Campus

May 13, 2014 Presented by Michael Dietz & Chet Arnold, UConn CLEAR The main campus of the University of Connecticut is rapidly becoming a showcase for the innovative stormwater practices known as green infrastructure (GI), or low impact development (LID). Green roofs, rain gardens, pervious parking lots and walkways, bioretention cells, and other GI features […]

Touring UConn’s Green Infrastructure – from your Desk!

Anyone who has been to the UConn campus in the last few years has likely noticed a lot of changes. Beautiful new and renovated buildings are remaking the campus. Along with those changes are a lot of more subtle changes that you might not notice – namely the integration of green infrastructure. As discussed in […]

LID vs Green Infrastructure

If you deal with stormwater issues or land use planning, chances are you have heard the phrase “green infrastructure” mentioned a lot recently. It is rapidly replacing “Low Impact Development” (LID) as the phrase du jour in the stormwater biz. But before we all go willingly adopting this into our lexicon, we must first ask […]

Build a Rain Garden this Spring with NEMO’s New App & Website

February 20, 2013 Presented by David Dickson & Michael Dietz, UConn CLEAR Rain gardens are depressions in the ground that collect and soak up stormwater runoff from roads, roofs, driveways, and other hard surfaces. They are relatively simple to install, are beautiful additions to the landscape, and help prevent water pollution. And now NEMO has […]

LID in Connecticut: a Virtual Tour of Where It’s Working

March 13, 2012 Presented by Michael Dietz and David Dickson, UConn CLEAR No need to get on the bus for this tour! Join us for a virtual tour of Low Impact Development (LID) around the State of Connecticut. Dave Dickson and Mike Dietz will use NEMO’s LID Atlas, a cutting-edge web tool powered by Google […]

Permeable Pavements for Stormwater Control

September 13, 2011 Presented by Michael Dietz, UConn CLEAR Pervious pavements are recommended as an alternative to traditional asphalt or concrete pavements to reduce stormwater impacts. This webinar will discuss some different types of pervious pavements that are currently available, including pervious concrete, pervious asphalt, pervious interlocking concrete pavers (PICPs), and plastic grid pavements. Performance […]

Rain Gardens

April 19, 2011 Presented by Michael Dietz, UConn CLEAR A rain garden is a depressed area in the landscape designed to collect and infiltrate stormwater. In addition to treating stormwater, rain gardens can be beautiful additions to the home landscape. This webinar will provide an overview of the functions and features of rain gardens. Learn […]