CLEAR publications are generally produced and distributed by our component projects, so we urge you to visit our project sites. A few general and CLEAR-specific publications are available below.
CLEARscapes Newsletter

Climat Adaptation Academy
Legal Issues
Focusing on the legal aspects of climate adaptation, living shorelines, emergency preparedness and identifying what information and tools communities need most to address the challenges of our climate change. Visit Adapt CT website.
- Takings & Coastal Management
- Property & Permitting Boundaries at the Shoreline
- Governmental Tort Liability for Disclosure of Flood Hazard Information
- Flood& Erosion Control Structures
- Responding to Nuisance Flooding of Coastal Highways: Options for Municipalities
- Flooding, Eminent Domain, and Government Authority
CLEAR Reports

CLEAR produces a "highlights" report about every five years. The reports are filled with updates, facts and figures on CLEAR research, outreach, tools and training. Look for our most recent report by Spring 2023.