The Human Pixels of CLEAR

CLEAR is a communal entity, kind of like a coral reef or The Blob of classic science fiction fame.  We are much less extensive than either of these examples, however, allowing you the inestimable opportunity to get to know a little more about each of the human pixels that make up the CLEAR image.  You […]

Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA)

March 17, 2015 Presented by John Volin & Laura Cisneros, UConn Department of Natural Resources and Environment, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources UConn’s Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA) is a new transformative program that engages high school students in land use and natural resource conservation in an exciting and meaningful way for the […]

Digital Storytelling at CLEAR

  Not long ago, I joined the CLEAR water team and began to look at the presence of LID (or low impact development) in Connecticut, as a response to the reality of increased stormwater runoff in our state. When tasked with my first blog post (and knowing I was fated to follow the poet Andrew Kinlock), I decided […]

GIS & Poetry? | Speaking of Connecticut’s Hydrography

If you have not already heard, CT DEEP became Steward of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and CLEAR has agreed to take the helm to update Connecticut’s hydrography.  The NHD  is simply a spatial dataset that represents the lake and river features across the country.  All in all, we are excited that we will soon […]

The Climate Adaptation Academy is looking for Input

The Climate Adaptation Academy (CAA) is developing a list of challenges that municipalities and residents are facing as a result of climate change, and we need your help. CAA is a partnership between Connecticut Sea Grant and UConn’s Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) and was developed after talking to a variety of […]

Update on the Emerald Ash Borer in Connecticut

February 10, 2015 Presented by Nancy Marek, UConn Extension Forestry and Chris Donnelly, CT DEEP Urban Forestry Coordinator The emerald ash borer is a small, shimmering green, non-native insect that kills ash trees. Learn about the biology of the pest, how to identify an ash tree, what efforts are currently being used to control and […]

Where Are We? Winter Fun With Maps

I don’t know about you, but I am starting to feel the first tendrils of the winter blues creeping in. While we haven’t had much snow (yet), the cold has certainly kept me inside more than I’d like. With football season ending and March Madness still a ways off, I’m on the lookout new distractions. […]

A Map in an App: Drainage Class for 25 States

The Rain Garden App  In case you haven’t heard, a couple of years ago, NEMO (David Dickson and Mike Dietz) created a cool smartphone app that is all about building rain gardens.  It is full of background information including what a rain garden is, how it works, pictures of existing rain gardens and even videos about how […]

Living Shorelines and the Connecticut Coast

We know from Storms Irene and Sandy that shoreline erosion is a major issue along the Connecticut coast. Our shoreline has a variety of stabilization structures such as concrete seawalls, revetments and bulkheads interspersed with natural shorelines such as sandy or rocky beaches, tidal marshes and flats and exposed bedrock outcrops. The “hard structures” such […]

New Faces @ CLEAR

Two recent additions to the ranks have appeared in the hallowed hallways of CLEAR, swelling our ranks to double digits and causing the mean age of the CLEAR crew to plummet. Andrew Kinlock is a recent graduate of The George Washington University who comes to the Center from a position with the CT DEEP. Andrew […]

Mysteries of the New Lidar Data

October 28, 2014 Presented by Cary Chadwick and Emily Wilson, UConn CLEAR Lidar is a detection system that uses light from a laser on an airplane to collect very accurate and dense elevation values with many different applications (and it looks really cool!). Connecticut is (partially) covered by a patchwork of Lidar datasets captured at […]

Rain Garden 2014 Growing Season Time Lapse

The rain garden demonstration site at the Middlesex County Extension Center in Haddam (CLEAR and NEMO’s home-base) was installed in May 2012. It was originally installed to be featured in two new NEMO projects, a smartphone application and a “how to” rain garden website, both now complete. The two projects focus on helping people easily […]

Flooding, storms and mold

Are you concerned about your health after severe wet weather has caused your home and/or things in your home to smell moldy??? – UCONN workshop on Nov 14th by Paula Schenck, MPH, University of Connecticut Health Center Living things need food, water, and a comfortable temperature to grow. Mold, the common name for fungi, can […]

NEARC is Coming to Connecticut

October 5-8 in Mystic! What is NEARC? It stands for the NorthEast Arc Users Group.  What is Arc? It is the name, or a shortened name, for the Geographic Information System (GIS) suite of software created by the company ESRI.  We like acronyms.  What is GIS? Anything with a location, or x,y coordinate, is geographic […]

Loss of Carbon Sequestration from Land Use Change in Connecticut

September 23, 2014 Presented by Linda Powers Tomasso, Project Associate, Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard University School of Public Health, and Emily Wilson, UConn CLEAR Greenhouse inventories (GHG) estimate levels of emissions which are scientifically understood as the human-induced basis for climate change. GHG inventories ideally resemble balance sheets indicating both emissions sources […]

NYC Climate March Draws Hundreds of Thousands

Over four hundred thousand people from around the country, young and old, took action yesterday to make a statement about climate change. This event was one of many taking place around the world (, and drew national news attention. My stepfather Trip Barnett attended the march, and he told me that it was a life […]

Summer’s Last Gasp…

Walks through the woods have certainly changed since early summer. Leaves are changing color and even falling. Squirrels are busily making nests and gathering nuts. But before you turn to picking apples and making pumpkin pie, there are a few summer pleasures still to enjoy. The sites and smells are so different now than they […]