November 17, 2021 Presented By Kristin Floberg & Charles Vidich, WestCOG Following an explosion in scientific evidence pointing to the importance of riparian buffers as a means to reduce nonpoint source pollutants, on June 10, 2021 the Connecticut General Assembly enacted Public Act 21-29. This law expands the responsibility of zoning commissions in protecting the […]
UConn TAB: Navigating EPA’s EJ SCREEN Tool for EPA Brownfields Grants
July 1, 2021 Presented By Nefeli Bompoti & Marisa Chysochoou, TAB program, UConn Civil & Environmental Engineering EJ SCREEN a mapping and screening tool developed by EPA to provide a nationally consistent data set and approach for combining environmental and demographic indicators. In this year’s EPA Brownfields Grant guidelines, it is suggested to utilize EJ […]
CT’s Updated MS4 Permit: Year 5 and Beyond
July 1, 2021 Presented By Dave Dickson and Amanada Ryan, UConn CLEAR and Extension As we approach the 5th and final year of CT’s updated MS4 permit we’re offering a webinar to review the new tasks coming due, offer some guidance on what to expect next year, and address the most commonly confused MS4 concepts based […]
Can Watershed Land Use Legacies Inform Nitrogen Management?
June 16, 2021 Presented By Ashley Helton, Professor, UConn Dept. of Natural Resources and the Environment and the Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering Past land use activities (or land use “legacies”) can be strong indicators of contemporary water quality; yet watershed management strategies often neglect the lag times associated with land change trajectories. In this seminar, […]
Connecticut Trail Finder
May 26, 2021 Presented By Kim Bradley, UConn Extension Trails Program Coordinator The State of Connecticut has a vast number of open space and outdoor recreational opportunities, however information for trail users can be inconsistent, inaccurate, and difficult to find. The Connecticut Trail Finder, currently in development through UConn Extension, will be a free, interactive […]
Building Capacity for Conservation: Engaging Local Teens
May 19, 2021 Presented By Nicole Friedenfelds and Amy Cabaniss, Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA), Dept. of Natural Resources and the Environment Have a great idea for a conservation project in your community or land trust, but not sure you have the staff power, technical know-how, or energy to carry it out? Wouldn’t it be […]
Best Practices in Balancing Land Use and Economic Development
April 28, 2021 Presented by Laura Brown, Community & Economic Development Educator, UConn Extension, Courtney Hendricson, Vice President of Partnerships, AdvanceCT, Kristen Gorski, Economic Development Coordinator, Town of West Hartford, and President, CT Economic Development Association (CEDAS) Many communities struggle to find a comfortable balance between the desires of the business community, the desires of […]
The N-Sink Tool: Tracking Nitrogen Through Coastal Watersheds
April 21, 2021 Presented By Chet Arnold, UConn Extension & CLEAR and Qian Lei-Parent, UConn Extension & CLEAR Land use planners, property owners, and watershed managers need all the help that they can get to reduce the impacts of nitrogen (N) pollution on waterways, particularly in coastal areas. CLEAR, URI and EPA have developed an […]
The NEMO Rain Garden App – Reborn!
March 24, 2021 Presented By Dave Dickson, UConn Extension and CLEAR Nearly eight years ago, CLEAR’s NEMO program first launched an app to help homeowners, landscapers, developers, and municipalities properly site, size, install, and maintain a rain garden to help protect their water resources. The app has since expanded to include state-specific rain garden sizing […]
Finding the Right Trees for the Right Time
The goal of this four-part online speaker series is to engage a wide variety of community members to discuss and better understand climate change and its effects on coastal forests in northeastern U.S. Participants will be able to better understand new strategies to create more resilient forests. Because the speaker series is online, it is […]
Making Maple Syrup in Your Own Back Yard
March 3, 2021 Presented By Tom Worthley, UConn Extension As winter winds down, and you’re considering outdoor, low-risk activities, making a small batch of maple syrup at home with your family might be a fun and healthy choice. This webinar will provide all the essential information you’ll need to get started, from identifying which of […]
Why Connecticut Needs GIS Coordination
February 24, 2021 Presented By Emily Wilson, UConn Extension and CLEAR Learn about how GIS is done in Connecticut, how we compare to our New England neighbors, and what might be done to make GIS operations more efficient and effective. View Video View Slides
Using the New CT Zoning Atlas to Envision CT’s Transit-Oriented Development Potential
February 17, 2021 Presented By Sara Bronin, UConn Law School & Cary Chadwick, UConn CLEAR In January, Desegregate CT, a coalition of over 60 organizations focused on land use and zoning reform, released its groundbreaking interactive map, the Connecticut Zoning Atlas. This first-in-the-nation planning tool allows the public to easily explore zoning regulations that govern housing in […]
Long Island Sound Report Card: Grading the Urban Sea
February 10, 2021 Presented By Peter Linderoth, Save the Sound What is this map telling us? Join Peter Linderoth from Save the Sound as he discusses the latest release of the Long Island Sound Report Card. The Report Card grades the ecological health of the open waters of the Sound in addition to numerous embayments. Peter will […]
GC3 Webinar Series Explores Equity and Environmental Justice in Climate Solutions
Exploring Climate Solutions Webinar Series Equity and Environmental Justice in Climate Solutions The purpose of this series of webinars is to help member of the Governor’s Council on Climate Change (GC3), and the public, understand how climate change affects low-income people, Black, Indigenous, Latinx, people of color and other people who are at increased risk due […]
GC3’s Equity and Environmental Justice in Climate Solutions Webinar Series
The Equity & Environmental Justice Working Group, part of the Governor’s Council on Climate Change (GC3), is hosting a special webinar series on equity and environmental justice in climate solutions beginning on September 10 and running through November 19. The purpose of this series is to help members of the GC3, and the public, understand […]
UConn Extension Slack Webinar
June 23, 2020 Presented By Cary Chadwick and Emily Wilson, UConn CLEAR UConn Extension webinar on using SLACK for office communications. View Video
CT MS4 Permit update: What should be done and what’s next?
June 16, 2020 Presented By Dave Dickson, UConn CLEAR This webinar will provide an update on where towns and institutions should be under the deadlines out lined in the 2017 MS4 General Permit. It will also look ahead to the tasks to be addressed in year 4 of the permit cycle (ending June 30. 2021). […]
Fallout from tree mortality recently caused by insect pests
May 27, 2020 Presented By Tom Worthley, Extension Professor and Forester, UConn Dept. of Extension Recently, insect pests affecting trees, particularly emerald ash borer and gypsy moth, have caused the deaths of trees in varying degrees of severity, from individual trees to entire stands. And with so many folks taking physically-distant recreational time outdoors – […]
Water Quality Challenges in Groundwater Influenced Streams
May 20, 2020 Presented By Dr. Ashley Helton, UConn Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Groundwater discharge zones along river networks sustain water flow and provide thermal refugia for aquatic organisms while also acting as conduits of legacy contaminants, including nitrogen. Efforts to protect and manage groundwater-influenced stream ecosystems, however, are limited by our […]