
Role of Riparian Buffers in Watersheds and in Your Landscape

April 17th, 2023 1:00-2:00PM Presented by: Juliana Barrett and Chet Arnold; UConn CLEAR Emeritus In this presentation by Juliana Barrett and Chet Arnold we will explore what riparian buffers are and why they are a critical component of both our coastal and inland communities. Riparian buffers play a critical role in water quality and watershed protection, provide […]

CT Stormwater Quality Manual Webinar 3: An Update on Stormwater Management in CT Recording

February 27th, 2023 12:00 – 1:00PM Presented by: Mary Looney & Dave Dickson, UConn CLEAR; Kathleen Knight, Chris Stone, & Nicole Kibbe, CT DEEP; Victor Benni, North Branford This webinar is the final one of our CT Stormwater Quality Manual: An Update on Stormwater Management in CT. Stormwater management and its impact on our water […]

The Ecology and Importance of CT’s Beach Dune Systems Webinar

June 14th, 2023 1:00 – 2:00 Presented by: Juliana Barrett (Juliana.barrett@uconn.edu), Ralph Lewis (rlewis1@fandm.edu) This webinar provides an overview of the ecology and geology of sandy beach-dune systems in Connecticut. We provide highlights from a soon to be available booklet which includes an overview of the ecology of Connecticut’s beach-dune ecosystem and an in-depth look at the […]

Regional Stormwater Utilities Efficiencies and Challenges

February 22nd, 2023 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Presented by Jeff Colella, Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority, PA For this webinar, we invite Jeff Colella, Stormwater Division Manager of the Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority (WVSA) to discuss the program’s experience as a regional stormwater utility and MS4 Administrator in Pennsylvania. In this webinar, we will hear […]

Trail Mapping for CT Trail Finder with Avenza Maps

December 7, 2022 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Presented by Cary Chadwick & Emily Wilson, UConn CLEAR Connecticut Trail Finder is a free, interactive mapping site designed to help Connecticut residents and visitors find publicly accessible hiking, walking, snowshoeing, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, and paddling trails across the state. It is a critical resource for […]

A New Tool to Assess Watershed Health in CT

Nov 2, 2022 Presented by Chet Arnold & Qian “Rachel” Lei-Parent, UConn CLEAR It’s well known that there is a close relationship between watershed health and land use. Until now, however, statewide or other large scale examinations of this relationship have been limited to what can be determined using moderate resolution (30 meter) land cover […]

Gaining Public Support with Your Stormwater Utility: The City of Dover

October 5th, 2022 Presented by Gretchen Young PE, City of Dover For our fourth webinar of the series, Gretchen Young PE, the Environmental Projects Manager for the City of Dover, New Hampshire, will discuss the city’s current standing in their process of implementing the state’s first stormwater utility. After an initial unsuccessful attempt at establishing a […]

Stormwater Utility Trends Across the US

June 15th, 2022 Presented by Dr. Warren Campbell, Western Kentucky University Dr. Warren Campbell from Western Kentucky University has been collecting and analyzing information on stormwater utilities in the US for 15 years. He has been described as a human encyclopedia of stormwater utilities. In this webinar, he will dive into how widespread stormwater utilities are […]

A Stormwater Utility: Learning from the South Burlington Experience

May 4, 2022 Presented By Dave Wheeler, Stormwater Superintendent, South Burlington, VT  For the second webinar of our Stormwater Utility Series, the Stormwater Superintendent of South Burlington, VT, Dave Wheeler, will discuss the process of establishing the first stormwater utility in the state. This webinar will provide further detail on various aspects of setting up […]

Stormwater Utility Webinar Series: South Burlington

Introducing out next stormwater utility webinar, Starting A Stormwater Utility: Learning from the South Burlington Experience!   In this webinar, the Stormwater Superintendent of South Burlington, VT, Dave Wheeler, will discuss the process of establishing the first stormwater utility in the state. This webinar will provide further detail on various aspects of setting up and […]

You Might Want to Consider a Stormwater Utility

April 5th, 2020 Presented By Dave Dickson and Mary Looney, UConn CLEAR In the 2021 legislative session, the Connecticut General Assembly passed a law authorizing all CT towns to set up a stormwater utility/fee. Stormwater utilities are often touted as an equitable way to help pay for increasing municipal stormwater management costs while also helping […]