Celebrating World Water Day at Home

Today, Friday March 22, is World Water Day. Most of us have heard quotes like “the next war will be fought over water” (generally attributed to various U.N. diplomats).  And, on the other side of the water quotation spectrum, there is the oft-repeated but unsubstantiated quote by comedian W.C. Fields, who supposedly said “Water, I […]

Do "We" Believe in Climate Change?

Over the last year and a half here in Connecticut, we have certainly seen our fair share of extreme weather events – Irene, the Halloween nor’easter of 2011, Sandy, Winter Storm NEMO (no relation to our NEMO), etc. These events have certainly had a big physical and financial impact on our state, but may have also […]

New CLEAR Progress Report Not as Boring as it Sounds!

Every 5.5 years or so (we have only two data points, so this may or may not be a trend) CLEAR issues a Progress Report in an attempt to characterize our rather unconventional blend of research, training, tool development, and outreach. Our second such report is now out, and to be frank—not to mention immodest […]

The Salt of the Earth

Although signs of spring are appearing around us (crocuses are up at my house!), the remnants of winter linger. Piles of dirty snow snow still litter the landscape, refusing to yield to the lengthening days. Very soon our thoughts and activities will turn to all things spring; snowplows and road salt will be distant memories. […]

The Lawn and the Short of It

Thanks to Frederick Law Olmsted, Central Park has great expanses of grass.  But can you imagine a lawn 14 times the size of Manhattan?  That’s basically what we have in the Connecticut and lower New York area.  Humble old grass has become the area’s third most extensive land cover, after forest and developed land (see […]

Connecticut Has New Aerial Imagery

What’s stunning, statewide, and captured last March? No, not mountain lions — Connecticut’s new aerial imagery! And, while it may not be quite good enough to help you find your car keys, it’s probably good enough to allow you to identify the car in your driveway.  Here are some key facts about this great new […]

Build a Rain Garden this Spring with NEMO’s New App & Website

February 20, 2013 Presented by David Dickson & Michael Dietz, UConn CLEAR Rain gardens are depressions in the ground that collect and soak up stormwater runoff from roads, roofs, driveways, and other hard surfaces. They are relatively simple to install, are beautiful additions to the landscape, and help prevent water pollution. And now NEMO has […]

NEMO’s New Rain Garden App Getting the Attention it Deserves

It should come as no surprise how excited we are to show off NEMO’s new Rain Garden App (see past blog posts), not to mention the fact that it’s the first UConn app created for the general public. However, we are equally excited about all the attention it is getting. Most recently, NEMO Director Michael […]

Gardening in the Aftermath of Storm Sandy

The amount of daylight we have each day is slowly lengthening, and those gardening catalogs are arriving in the mail. Many coastal communities, as well as some further inland, will be assessing more damage from Storm Sandy as salt spray damage to plants becomes evident. As people think about replanting lost or damaged plants, take […]

We Got Your LID Examples Right Here!

Interested in Low Impact Development (LID), but want a better sense of what it looks like? Well, have we got the tool for you – the National NEMO Network’s National LID Atlas contains nearly 850 examples from 28 states! For the uninitiated, low impact development (LID) practices include rain gardens, pervious pavement, green roofs, rain barrels, […]

What the Heck is the Land Use Academy?

As a local land use commissioner you are faced with making decisions about how your community will grow, reviewing and approving applications for a variety of projects and balancing growth with natural resource protection. Sometimes court decisions change the rules, you receive conflicting advice, the information you have to work with is incomplete or you […]

What’s 30m land cover good for, anyway?

This week CLEAR unveiled the updated and expanded version of our Changing Landscape (CL) project, which uses remote sensing imagery to look at changes in our landscape over time.  Formerly called “Connecticut’s Changing Landscape,” the project now includes the NY portions of the lower Long Island Sound watershed, and boasts a whopping (not to mention […]

NEW! Land Cover for the Long Island Sound Watershed

You may have heard of the Connecticut’s Changing Landscape project and website that provides basic land cover information through five directly comparable land cover datasets, from 1985, 1990, 1995, 2002 and 2006, allowing us to look at, and quantify, landscape change in Connecticut.  Now, thanks to the support of the Long Island Sound Study, we […]

Our Changing Landscape: 1985 – 2010

December 4, 2012 Presented by Emily Wilson and Chet Arnold, UConn CLEAR How has our local landscape been changing over the last 25 years?CLEAR’s Changing Landscape is an ongoing project that uses remote sensing technology to chart land cover changes over time. Long Island Sound Study funding has allowed CLEAR to expand the project study […]