New Training! Intro to ArcGIS Online & Storymaps

The CLEAR Geospatial Training Program (GTP) has just launched a brand new workshop! It is called Introduction to ArcGIS Online and Esri Story Maps and includes presentations, demos, hands-on exploration and hands-on exercises. The morning of the day-long workshop covers ArcGIS Online and the web map in particular. Topics include:

  • Introduction to GIS and ArcGIS Online
  • The ArcGIS Online Web Map
    • Getting started
    • Adding and working with data in the web map
    • Sharing and printing

The afternoon of the workshop is all about Story Maps. Topics include:

  • What is a Story Map
  • How Story Maps work
  • Building a Story Map Journal
  • Building a Story Map Tour

By the end of the day, students create a Story Map Journal called The Connecticut Valley Railroad: Then and Now. It is about the history of the railroad whose tracks and historic stations exist in the backyard of the Middlesex County Extension Center in Haddam where the workshop is held. The Story Map Tour, Stations of the Historic Connecticut Valley Railway, is a tour of a few of the historic stations along the railroad.

Of course most students won’t be creating maps and storymaps about railroads, but the overall concepts and how to applies to story maps of all topics. Students attending the first training came from a wide range of backgrounds including public health, transportation, municipalities, academia and more.

The course is designed for use with an ArcGIS Online Public account which means it is free (and has use restrictions). The other option, an ArcGIS Online Organization account, has more options but has some cost associated with it. Students who already have an organization account are welcome to use it.

For more information including upcoming workshop dates and to register, visit the GTP Training webpage.

We can’t wait to see what the students create!