CLEAR’s LID in Connecticut: a Virtual Tour of Where It’s Working Webinar held on March 13th is now online. Information and registration for upcoming webinars can be found in our CLEAR 2012 Webinar Series section. Past webinars can be found in the CLEAR Webinar Library.
Month: March 2012
2012 Award for Excellence in Land Conservation
Tom Worthley and his collaborators received the “2012 Award for Excellence in Land Conservation” for Community Engagement for Forest Stewardship through School System Collaboration. The project was nominated by the Chair of the Haddam Conservation Commission. Recognized by the award committee were the many ways their “management plan, conservation practice (forest improvement) demonstration, use of […]
GTP conducts training on ArcGIS in Asheville, NC
CLEAR’s Geospatial Training Program (GTP) is conducting a workshop this week (March 21 and 22) in Asheville, NC for the USDA Southern Regional Water Program. The workshop focuses on the use of, a relatively new option for users of all levels of technical skill to create and share maps on the web. The workshop […]
National NEMO Network Webinars
The National NEMO Network is hosting several webinars in 2012. The first webinar “NEMO Programs and the Healthy Watersheds Initiative” was held on March 7th and is now online at The next webinar is “Surrogate TMDLs-Better Than the Real Thing?” and will be held on May 2nd, 2012. For more information and to register visit […]
LID in Connecticut: a Virtual Tour of Where It’s Working
March 13, 2012 Presented by Michael Dietz and David Dickson, UConn CLEAR No need to get on the bus for this tour! Join us for a virtual tour of Low Impact Development (LID) around the State of Connecticut. Dave Dickson and Mike Dietz will use NEMO’s LID Atlas, a cutting-edge web tool powered by Google […]
Emily Wilson Honored by CT Technology Council
CLEAR Geospatial Educator Emily Wilson is being honored as a Connecticut Woman of Innovation by the CT Technology Council. As stated at the CTC website, “the awards program, sponsored by the Connecticut Technology Council, recognizes women in the workforce and at the high school and college levels, who are innovators, role models and leaders in […]