
Getting Started on Your New MS4 Permit

February 7, 2017 Presented By David Dickson & Amanda Ryan, UConn CLEAR For the 121 communities (plus institutions) covered under CT DEEP’s newly revised “MS4” stormwater regulations, the first requirements are to develop (or revise) a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) for your town and register as an MS4. Draft SWMPs are to be posted for […]

Groundwater 101

November 9, 2016 Presented By Dr. Gary Robbins, Dept of Natural Resources & the Environment, University of Connecticut Connecticut has an abundance of good quality groundwater owing to its geologic past. In this webinar, Dr. Gary Robbins, Hydrogeologist at UCONN, will discuss our groundwater resources—where they are, how much we might have and use, their […]

Connecticut’s MS4 Permit: What’s New?

October 11, 2016 Presented By David Dickson & Chet Arnold, UConn CLEAR The State of Connecticut has committed to an expanded stormwater regulatory program for municipalities, and CLEAR’s NEMO Program will be providing outreach and assistance to towns and institutions to support them in complying with this program. This introductory webinar will provide an overview […]

Connecticut’s Forest History

May 31, 2016 Presented By Tom Worthley, Project Manager UConn CLEAR, UConn and Jeff Ward, Department of Forestry and Horticulture, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Aligned with the theme of Connecticut’s Changing Landscape, but looking much farther back in time, we will discuss the natural forces and human land-use activities that have shaped the composition […]

Research, Results and Ruminations About Connecticut’s Bears

May 5, 2016 Presented By Cary Chadwick, UConn CLEAR & Michael Evans, Graduate Student, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment If you’ve been following the news for the past few years, you know that black bears have returned to Connecticut. Given this fact, it is important to understand how these animals respond to different levels of […]

Low Impact Development in CT: Policies, Drivers, and Barriers

April 5, 2016 Presented By David Dickson & Chet Arnold, UConn CLEAR The concept of low impact development (LID) has been around for quite some time now. So….is Connecticut buying it? If so, how much? If not, why not? New research by CLEAR’s NEMO Program provides some answers to these questions. This webinar will review […]

Living Shorelines in CT: Design Considerations & Site Suitability

March 10, 2016 Presented in partnership with CIRCA, the CT Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation An increasing awareness of the need to reduce the potential adverse impacts of hardened coastal structures has prompted interest in the development of living shorelines as an alternative. This webinar will review of the benefits of living shorelines in […]

Roadside Forests: Management Solutions for Storm Resilience

December 8, 2015 Presented by Tom Worthley, UConn CLEAR, and Jeffrey Ward, CT Agricultural Experiment Station This webinar will highlight the forest stand conditions along roadsides that contribute to the tree issues we encounter during high-intensity wind-storm events. It will also explore how traditional arboriculture and silviculture by themselves have not adequately addressed the management […]

Landsat Unveiled: Getting Started Using Landsat Data in ArcGIS

November 2, 2015 Presented by Dan Civco, Professor, Department of NRE, UConn Director, Center for Land Use Education And Research (CLEAR) and James Hurd, Research Associate, Department of NRE, UConn Director, Laboratory for Earth Resources Information Systems (LERIS) Landsat represents the world’s longest continuously acquired collection of space-based moderate-resolution land remote sensing data. First launched […]

Planning and Zoning in An Aging Connecticut

September 21, 2015 Presented by Alyssa Norwood, Connecticut’s Legislative Commission on Aging This webinar was recorded on September 21, 2015. Alyssa Norwood from Connecticut’s Legislative Commission on Aging provides statistics on the state’s ageing populations and how to address it from a land use planning perspective. Moderated by UConn CLEAR’s Bruce Hyde. View Video

More Than Just a Picture? The Basics of Remotely Sensed Imagery

July 28, 2015 Presented by Dan Civco, Professor, Department of NRE, UConn Director, Center for Land Use Education And Research (CLEAR) and James Hurd, Research Associate, Department of NRE, UConn Director, Laboratory for Earth Resources Information Systems (LERIS) We have all seen remotely sensed imagery, and many of us use imagery as a background layer […]

The Big Picture of Climate Adaptation in Connecticut

June 16, 2015 Presented by Mark Boyer, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, Political Science, UConn and Melanie Meinzer, Graduate Student, UConn When confronted with the demands of global climate change, why do some towns move the climate adaptation agenda forward in their communities while others seemingly get little accomplished? To answer this question, we look at […]

Using the Aquaculture Mapping Atlas for Fun and Profit

April 21, 2015 Presented by Cary Chadwick, UConn CLEAR and Tessa Getchis, UConn Aquaculture, Shellfish Management Shellfish aquaculture is a large and growing part of Connecticut’s agriculture sector but site selection is a major challenge. Farmers cultivate oysters, clams and scallops in designated areas of Long Island Sound. Those sites are considered public property and […]

Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA)

March 17, 2015 Presented by John Volin & Laura Cisneros, UConn Department of Natural Resources and Environment, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources UConn’s Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA) is a new transformative program that engages high school students in land use and natural resource conservation in an exciting and meaningful way for the […]

Update on the Emerald Ash Borer in Connecticut

February 10, 2015 Presented by Nancy Marek, UConn Extension Forestry and Chris Donnelly, CT DEEP Urban Forestry Coordinator The emerald ash borer is a small, shimmering green, non-native insect that kills ash trees. Learn about the biology of the pest, how to identify an ash tree, what efforts are currently being used to control and […]

Mysteries of the New Lidar Data

October 28, 2014 Presented by Cary Chadwick and Emily Wilson, UConn CLEAR Lidar is a detection system that uses light from a laser on an airplane to collect very accurate and dense elevation values with many different applications (and it looks really cool!). Connecticut is (partially) covered by a patchwork of Lidar datasets captured at […]

Loss of Carbon Sequestration from Land Use Change in Connecticut

September 23, 2014 Presented by Linda Powers Tomasso, Project Associate, Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard University School of Public Health, and Emily Wilson, UConn CLEAR Greenhouse inventories (GHG) estimate levels of emissions which are scientifically understood as the human-induced basis for climate change. GHG inventories ideally resemble balance sheets indicating both emissions sources […]

Stormwise: Increasing the Storm Resilience of Trees

July 23, 2014 Presented by Mark Rudnicki, UConn Associate Professor, Forest Ecology, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Connecticut is a state with magnificent and plentiful forest cover, but we have a continuing problem with trees causing power outages. The STORMWISE initiative, developed at the University of Connecticut, seeks to integrate outreach, education, research […]

Green Infrastructure on the UConn Campus

May 13, 2014 Presented by Michael Dietz & Chet Arnold, UConn CLEAR The main campus of the University of Connecticut is rapidly becoming a showcase for the innovative stormwater practices known as green infrastructure (GI), or low impact development (LID). Green roofs, rain gardens, pervious parking lots and walkways, bioretention cells, and other GI features […]

Shoreline Change in CT – 100 Years of Erosion & Accretion

April 1, 2014 Presented by Joel Stocker, UConn CLEAR & Sea Grant and Kevin O’Brien, CT DEEP Recent storms have focused interest on the dynamics of the shoreline. Receiving attention is the question, “What has it done in the past?” In 2010 the USGS released a report on historical shoreline change along the New England and Mid-Atlantic […]