Recently a columnist in a local Southeastern Connecticut newspaper wrote about the things that bug him when driving. It included the usual gripes that we all have—people driving slowly in the passing lane, failure to use turn signals, merging on the highway with little consideration of the traffic already on the highway, able-bodied people parking […]
Month: November 2013
Where in Connecticut?
Connecticut (and the rest of the world for that matter) looks so different from above than from the ground. I spend a good deal of time looking at aerial imagery of Connecticut including different color combinations, times of year (leaves or no leaves) and different years to see change. There are many places that I […]
Gull Island Habitat Management Project
November 7, 2013 Presented by Juliana Barrett, CT Sea Grant & Joel Stocker, UConn CLEAR Great Gull Island, owned by the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), has two species of terns nesting on the island: the Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) with 9,500 pairs and the Roseate Tern (S. dougallii) with 1,300 pairs. This represents […]
Connecticut Shoreline Resiliency Fund
Last week, on the one year anniversary of SuperStorm Sandy, Governor Malloy announced the creation of the Connecticut Shoreline Resiliency Fund. This fund is for state residents whose homes or businesses are subject to flooding allowing them to obtain low interest loans to elevate homes and flood proof businesses. With no income limits defining eligibility, […]