Time-Lapse Nature Photography

video samplesThe UConn Stormwise program recently tweeted a link to a very cool time lapse video of a forest created by filmmaker Samuel Orr. Samuel took 40,000 still images from his front window over a 15-month time period and created a short film that shows how a forest changes throughout the seasons. The video is called “A Forest Year” and can be viewed on the Time-Lapse page of his website. The website  has detailed information about how and why he created these videos, as well as other content that is well worth the read. There is also a cool video you can view on this page called “New York Day”.

AND, don’t miss a preview of his latest project called “Return of the Cicadas”. Samuel has been following and filming various broods of cicadas since 2007 and is almost done producing an hour-long documentary to be broadcast on PBS some time in 2014.