Month: April 2020

What’s Driving Climate Adaptation in Connecticut (And Why)?

April 27, 2020 Presented By Mark A. Boyer, Dept. of Geography Department, UConn; Executive Director, International Studies Association (ISA; When confronted with the demands of global climate change, why do some towns move the climate adaptation agenda forward in their communities while others seemingly get little accomplished? To answer this question, we look at […]

Path to brownfield redevelopment: CBI’s Municipal Assistance Program

April 22, 2020 Presented By Dr. Nefeli Bompoti, Project Manager, Connecticut Brownfields Initiative The Connecticut Brownfields Initiative (CBI) is an educational and community support program with a mission to promote brownfield redevelopment in the State of Connecticut. CBI operates within the University of Connecticut and provides training and support for CT stakeholders on brownfield remediation […]

Learning from Cottontails: Successes and Challenges of the Young Forest Initiative

April 20, 2020 Presented By Lisa Wahle, Wildlife Management Institute, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Young forest and shrubland, and the wildlife species that depend on these areas have been in decline for many years due to anthropogenic development on natural lands and the normal maturation of forests. The designation of the New England […]

Communicating Trail Data through the Connecticut Trail Census

April 15, 2020 Presented By Laura Brown, Department of Extension, UConn The Connecticut Trail Census is an innovative statewide volunteer-based data collection and education program that encourages data informed decision-making and promotes active citizen participation in multi-use trail monitoring and advocacy. The Trail Census includes trail use counts recorded by infrared pedestrian counters, trail user […]

Connecticut’s Blue Heritage Trail

April 13, 2020 Presented By Syma Ebbin, Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics and Connecticut Sea Grant, UConn and Colleen Franks, Dept. of Marine Sciences, UConn The Blue Heritage Trail (BHT) project, supported by the University of Connecticut Office of Public Engagement, National Park Service and Connecticut Sea Grant seeks to raise public awareness of the […]

The Climate Change Denier Awards

With the spotlight on the COVID-19 virus and the social and economic devastation it is causing, it’s easy to overlook the many other challenges that are still ahead. One such challenge is our response to climate change. In the interest of diverting attention from the present troubles, the Climate Deniers Awards have been created. While […]

Statewide Lidar Elevation Points in Interactive, Color 3D!!

April 8, 2020 Presented By Emily Wilson, CLEAR Geospatial Extension Educator Lidar is a remote sensing technique to map elevation using a laser sensor on an airplane. The result is millions of points (or more) which are often used as input to other datasets such as digital elevation models (DEMs) which show the surface of […]

From Maps to Apps: Accessible Tech for field scientists and citizen scientists alike

April 6, 2020 Presented By Cary Chadwick, CLEAR Geospatial Extension Educator Advancements in data collection technology has made it easy to leverage sensors in smartphones and tablets including cameras, GPS, accelerometers, gyroscopes and more. This opens doors for casual mappers and citizen scientists to collect useful data with just the tool in their pocket. This […]

Moving with the Marshes

April 1, 2020 Presented By Juliana Barrett, Coastal Resources Extension Educator, CT Sea Grant Avalonia Land Conservancy (ALC) received a land parcel donation to add to their waterfront Dodge Paddock Beal Preserve in Stonington Borough, CT in 2018. The parcel included a large, cultivated garden bordering a marsh. With funding from the Long Island Sound […]