CLEAR Geospatial Webinar Series

The CLEAR Geospatial Training Webinar Series covers topics relating to Connecticut's geospatial data - what's new, how to access and use it, who is doing what with it, and more. If you have a suggestion for a topic, please email and mention the series.

Upcoming Webinars:

Free and Open Source GIS Tools – Part 1

April 3, 2025, 1-1:45 PM ET
Hosts: UConn CLEAR
Speakers: Carl Zimmerman & Ashley Benitez, CT GIS Office

This 45-minute introductory presentation is the first in a two-part series on free and open source GIS. It will cover the new and broad ecosystem of GIS and geospatial tools (e.g. viewers, scripting tools and desktop applications), explain how to choose the right tools for your set of uses cases, access public data, and how to conduct simple spatial analyses with QGIS. Attendees will learn about free geospatial software and GIS tools which are widely available, reliable, and powerful. Many have the capabilities of expensive commercial products from the industry leaders. Free tools such as these provide substantial analytic and visualization capabilities to organizations needing location data and visualization solutions such as non-profits, small businesses, land-trusts, and local governments. These tools can be used in conjunction with a variety of public data sets including elevation and parcel data from Connecticut, the federal government, and other entities. We will demonstrate a few of the most relevant capabilities such as analysis, big data visualization, and basic map-making.


Free and Open Source GIS Tools – Part 2

May 1, 2025, 1-1:45 PM ET
Hosts: UConn CLEAR
Speakers: Ashley Benitez & Carl Zimmerman, CT GIS Office

This 45-minute introductory presentation is the second in a two-part series on free and open source GIS. It will cover the new and broad ecosystem of GIS and geospatial tools (e.g. viewers, scripting tools and desktop applications), explain how to choose the right tools for your set of uses cases, access public data, and how to conduct simple spatial analyses with QGIS. Attendees will learn about free geospatial software and GIS tools which are widely available, reliable, and powerful. Many have the capabilities of expensive commercial products from the industry leaders. Free tools such as these provide substantial analytic and visualization capabilities to organizations needing location data and visualization solutions such as non-profits, small businesses, land-trusts, and local governments. These tools can be used in conjunction with a variety of public data sets including elevation and parcel data from Connecticut, the federal government, and other entities. This webinar will cover core use cases and processing that small organizations need to map and analyze their data.


Previous Webinars: