CT DEEP Aquifer Protection Area Program Technical Training

aquifer protection trainingDescription: This course assists municipal Aquifer Protection Agencies and their staff with meeting the training requirements under the Connecticut Aquifer Protection Act. The course (1) provides an overview of the regulatory requirements for local implementation, (2) instructs agency members and staff responsible for knowing the law, and (3) assists them in complying with the law. In Connecticut, many residents rely on groundwater for their drinking water supply, whether it is from private wells or public water supply wells. Groundwater is extracted through wells from underground water sources known as aquifers. Aquifers can provide a clean, safe, reliable source of drinking water now and in the future but are vulnerable to contamination from overlying land use activities. The Aquifer Protection Area Program was developed to protect the state’s major public water supply wells in sand and gravel aquifers. This is a proactive program, intended to prevent contamination of public water supplies by managing land use activities in critical aquifer areas. The program is a three-way partnership between the State, water companies and municipalities.

Who should take this course: municipal aquifer protection agency members & staff, anyone interested in learning about Connecticut’s Aquifer Protection Area Program

Format: Online, at your own pace, 13 modules with text, videos, interactive activities, and practice quizzes

Estimated time to complete: 8 hours (Course must be completed within 60 days)

Cost: Free

For questions regarding course content, please email DEEP.AquiferProtection@ct.gov.

Technical support: jean.madden-hennessey@uconn.edu


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