Rain Garden Design, Installation, and Maintenance Course
This course designed to provide guidance on how to properly site, size, install, and maintain rain gardens. Rain gardens are one type of “green” stormwater infrastructure, which is an alternative to traditional “grey” stormwater infrastructure such as catch basins and pipes. Rain gardens help to reduce the impacts of our developed areas on downstream water bodies. There are 7 modules to be viewed at your own pace, with practice quizzes on the material for each module and a final course exam.

CLEAR Land Use Academy
The Land Use Academy provides practical education for local land use decision makers in Connecticut. Our program focuses on the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to serve effectively on a local land use commission.The Academy is a partnership of UConn CLEAR, the CT Bar Association, and the CT Office of Policy and Management, and has been around (in various forms under various pseudonyms) for over 30 years.

Adapt CT
Through Adapt CT, several online video modules pertaining to climate change in Connecticut have been developed. The purpose of these short online video modules is to provide current information and resources on subjects related to climate resilience for both coastal and inland communities in Connecticut for local decision makers, municipal officials and other interested groups.

CLEAR Geospatial Training
The Geospatial Training Program offers training opportunities for Connecticut’s land use decision makers and others, including state agency employees, land trust volunteers, teachers and citizens. Topics include Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Smartphone GPS mapping and other advanced topics. GTP has trained over 3000 individuals since 2007.

New Farms and Farmers Training
New Farms and Farmers Training is geared towards farmers who have been farming for ten years or less. The Solid Ground program provides resources, e-learning tools, and in person training opportunities to farmers throughout the state. Funded by the USDA, it enables the program to partner with multiple agencies and organizations across the state to provide these resources, which help our farmers grow, and also creates a sense of community.