CT DEEP Aquifer Protection Area Program Technical Training
This course assists municipal Aquifer Protection Agencies and their staff with meeting the training requirements under the Connecticut Aquifer Protection Act. The course (1) provides an overview of the regulatory requirements for local implementation, (2) instructs agency members and staff responsible for knowing the law, and (3) assists them in complying with the law.

CT DEEP Municipal Inland Wetlands Agency Comprehensive Training Program
This online training program allows municipal inland wetlands agencies and their staff to meet the regulatory and training requirements of the Connecticut Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act (IWWA). This program instructs and guides agency members and staff on (1) the law they are implementing and enforcing and (2) the resources they are charged with protecting.

CT DEEP Hazardous Waste Management Training Course
This free online course will familiarize you with the hazardous waste requirements in Connecticut and has been developed to assist facilities in meeting the initial and annual training requirements for hazardous waste generators under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). This course is designed as a general overview of the regulatory requirements for managing hazardous waste (e.g., classification, storage, transport, disposal) and is targeted to hazardous waste handlers, managers and supervisors responsible for knowing the law and complying with it.

CT DEEP Pollution Prevention 21st Century Resilient Business: How Managing Chemicals Can Help You Weather the Storm Training
Did you know, 40% of disaster-struck businesses fail to reopen and 25% that do, eventually fail? Extreme weather could put your business at risk – it’s important to make your business resilient. This free course is designed to help a variety of businesses, especially those in flood prone areas that use chemicals in their process, sell chemicals and store hazardous waste onsite, including service providers and retail stores that sell toxic products.