NOAA High Resolution Land Cover For Connecticut

NOAA High Resolution Land Cover For Connecticut


Connecticut now has 1 meter resolution land cover, courtesy of the NOAA Office of Coastal Management. The resolution means that each pixel covers a 1 meter square on the ground. Previous land covers are 30 meter squares - a big difference.

More information on the NOAA Digital Coast

Category Descriptions

NOAA High Res Land Cover FAQs


Interactive map


Download using the bulk download site for a single state-wide geotiff formatted raster, in state plane.

Download using the Data Access Viewer for smaller, custom selected areas.  It also provides img as well as tiff format, and multiple projection options.


for GIS users - CCAP High Resolution Land Cover Map Service

Many thanks to the NOAA Office of Coastal Management for seeing the project to completion and providing Connecticut with this valuable dataset.