
Creating Climate Solutions – The 2024 Extension Report

Make sure you check out the UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources’ 2024 Extension Report, featuring Climate Corps! Climate Corps focuses on developing mitigation and adaptation strategies on a local level in order to fight back against climate change. This program provides students not only with an academic semester of learning more about […]

UConn Students Empower Community Resilience, One Project at a Time

UConn CLEAR’s Environmental Corps (E-Corps) program was highlighted in UConn Today’s article, UConn Students Empower Community Resilience, One Project at a Time. This article dives into Climate Corps – a year long course UConn students can take to learn more about how climate change is impacting communities, different adaptation and mitigation strategies for addressing climate […]

How Connecticut can prepare for extreme flooding in the future

Mike Dietz was featured on Connecticut Public Radio’s Where We Live podcast episode, “How Connecticut can prepare for extreme flooding in the future” last week. After the torrential downpours and destructive flooding that was experienced across the state the past few weeks, Dietz talks about how climate change will impact these storms, future flooding, and water […]

Well Water Testing Program on The Lisa Wexler Show

UConn CLEAR’s Mike Dietz was featured on The Lisa Wexler Show on August 2nd discussing private wells in Connecticut and the importance of testing these wells to ensure proper quality of the drinking water. In addition, Dietz talks about the private well water testing program from UConn Extension focused on providing education and low-cost testing […]

Low Impact Development Tour with NVCOG

Last week, UConn CLEAR and the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments did a tour of UConn’s low impact development to learn more about stormwater pollution, green stormwater infrastructure implementation and maintenance, and overall best practices for targeting water quality and flooding within municipalities. You can read more about it all here: 

Neag School Professor Appointed to National Science Foundation Advisory Committee

A congratulations to CLEAR affiliate Todd Campbell for being appointed to a three-year on the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for STEM Education Advisory Committee. On this committee, Todd will meet with other members twice a year to provide insights and recommendations on emerging STEM topics. You can read more about his incredible achievement in the […]

New Model Identifies Shortcut for Understanding Dolphin Health

CT Sea Grant Director and UConn CLEAR affiliate, Sylvain De Guise, was mentioned in UConn Today’s article, New Model Identifies Shortcut for Understanding Dolphin Health! De Guise and his research group have been studying dolphins and their blood samples as biomarkers for health and mortality, especially in dolphins living in toxic and harmful environments. You […]

Tending Your Garden: New Rain Garden Installation Offers Lessons in Local Impact

Mike Dietz and the newest UConn green stormwater infrastructure installation was featured in UConn Today’s article Tending Your Garden: New Rain Garden Installation Offers Lessons in Local Impact. Dietz, Dickson, and their students installed a new rain garden located on the UConn Storrs’ campus next to the Dairy Bar. It will take in about 60,000 […]

Extension Educators Launch School-Based Green Infrastructure Initiative

A few of CLEAR’s Extension Educators were featured in today’s UConn Today article, Extension Educators Launch School-Based Green Infrastructure Initiative. Mike Dietz and Dave Dickson talk about their $100,000 grant, awarded by EPA. With this grant, Dietz and Dickson, along with their team – the Natural Resources Conservation Academy, are focused on partnering with local […]

UConn Land Use Academy Celebrates 20th Anniversary and Evolving Needs

CLEAR’s very own Renata Bertotti was featured in UConn Today’s article, UConn Land Use Academy Celebrates 20th Anniversary and Evolving Needs, discussing her work with the Land Use Academy – which is now celebrating its 20th anniversary. The Land Use Academy provides education for local land use planners as they make decisions balancing development and environmental […]