Advanced Training – OLD

This training will include plenty of time for audience participation, questions, observations, etc.

4.5 AICP CM credits pending including 1.5 law credits

Virtual Advanced Land Use Academy Training: 2/2/2023 – 2/16/2023

In February 2023 we offered a VIRTUAL version of our “Advanced Training” for land use commissioners over Zoom.  The training was offered over three consecutive Thursdays in February. All sessions were 1.5 hours long.

The sessions included:

All three presentations can also be viewed in a playlist below:

If a land use commissioner attended or watches the recordings of all 3 sessions they could meet most of their training requirement for the year, at least theoretically – it is ultimately up to each town to determine whether the statutory requirements are met.

Recorded Advanced Training

You can access previous recorded versions of our Advanced Training below.

Bias, Pre-disposition (predetermination) and Conflicts


  • How bias and conflicts are defined
  • Ex-Parte communications
  • Appearance and representation by Commission members
  • Financial or other interests
  • Relatives
  • Conduct during the meeting
  • Recusal

Implementing and Enforcing Land Use Decisions


  • Permissible scope of land use approvals
  • Limits on the use of modifications and conditions
  • Appropriate imposition of off-site improvements
  • Construction and bonding of public improvements and E&S controls
  • Open space and project mitigation
  • Payments in lieu
  • Enforcement of subdivision approvals
  • Zoning and wetlands enforcement- who, what, where and how

      Running a Meeting and Making a Decision


      • Pre-application meetings
      • Keeping control of the meeting (who speaks, when, hostile crowd control, etc.)
      • Voting by commissioner who misses a meeting
      • Seating alternates
      • Running a public hearing
      • Evaluation of evidence 22a-19
      • Environmental interventions
      • Standards and criteria
      • Proper motions
      • Findings
      • Keeping the record
      • What to do with reports (IWWC, traffic, CTDEP, neighboring towns, RPAs, consultants, etc.)